Monday, February 22, 2010

Adderall Bumps On Tongue Adderall Questions.?

Adderall questions.? - adderall bumps on tongue

I am prescribed Adderall, but I want to take it.
I do not know much about it, but I took two 20 mg XR Prior to working at 5pm, and I'm sitting at work and literally ate only the inner cheek. And I could not stop, I do not know. So I took two more XR 20 mg this morning is about 4 hours. Then I took a lunch at school that day. And then, before the work at 5pm.

My mouth is incredibly dry, I have a white ball at the tip of the tongue. My lips feel swollen. The inside of the cheeks, use really bad. My stirefoam saliva feels. I am also very sleepy.

Why is this so?
I took adderall normal and good.
Only concentrated and always want to do something.
Could concentTask interest rates for one night and did not even phase me.

XR Why is it for me?


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